Citisecure—Hotel Security

Hotels, casinos, and restaurants are all part of the hospitality industry, where excellent customer service and safety are crucial. The reputation of hotels largely depends on the guest’s experience during the stay.

Partnering with a reliable company for exceptional hotel security services in Vancouver plays a central role in ensuring the guests, visitors, and employees feel safe and protected. The costs and damages incurred by criminal activities can also be mitigated through this secure route.

There are many important aspects of hotel security that properly trained security officers and concierges can address. Whether you need armed protection on a warehouse site, mobile patrols, unarmed guards for welcoming guests at the reception, or alarm responders—Citisecure has got you covered.

Exits and Entrances Monitoring

Just the presence of professional security personnel is often enough to deter criminals. When our trained officers are stationed at the exits and entrances of hotels, they exude class while monitoring the rush of people coming in or going out at any time of the day or night. They have a sharp eye to identify suspicious activities or individuals while preventing situations from escalating. They also monitor the surveillance cameras and proactively respond to suspicious behaviours or alarms.

Mobile Patrolling

Mobile patrols on the hotel’s grounds can help deter illegal and criminal activities. Security officers perform scheduled and random checks to make sure the stairways, hallways, parking lots, lobbies, bars, restaurants, and other areas are clear of danger.

Sense of Security

Security personnel at hotels make employees and guests feel safer and more at ease. They can provide friendly concierge services and escort guests to the destination they’re looking for to increase a sense of security and satisfaction.

They carry phones or radios to respond to emergencies or call relevant authorities to request prompt assistance. They also have tasers, batons, and ammunition to handle potentially dangerous situations.

Guests feel at ease knowing the hotel takes their safety seriously and employs robust measures to ensure all persons and valuables remain safe. Our personnel dedicated to keeping hotels safe are trained to avert several risks, including altercations, health issues, unwelcome visitors, and property theft. Their extensive experience and knowledge enable them to act effectively and quickly in any situation, making them invaluable to your hotel.

Our guards also provide additional protection to guests or VIPs and safeguard the premises from protestors or criminal intrusions. They handle unruly visitors or intoxicated guests and escort loiters and trespassers off the premises. In addition, they also escort guests to their vehicles upon request if they feel unsafe.

Staff Protection

Hotel staff are another priority and must feel safe at all times to work productively. Our security services provide staff protection from unwanted behaviours and emergencies. They know when they need to intervene to manage the situation properly. Our security officers also protect the hotel property from employee theft.

Prevent Property Damage

Hotel properties are vulnerable to intrusion and damage by guests, unwanted visitors, and staff who walk into restricted areas or try to steal or destroy expensive items. Our security guards are available round the clock for the protection of hotel property and can assist you with guests involved in room damage. They’re trained to deter thieves, protect belongings and assets, and help recover stolen items or investigate malicious activities. You will also find them helpful as eyewitnesses for insurance or law enforcement claims.

Additional Protection for VIP Guests

Celebrities, politicians, business executives, and other important VIP guests require more security than others do. When VIPs choose your hotel, don’t let them down. Provide them with the additional security needed to prevent disruptions or help them feel safe in their room. Our security guards are also trained to keep guests safe from paparazzi or crowds.

Happy and content guests will be encouraged to return. It will improve your hotel’s reputation when guests know they’re safe from threatening incidents and can look forward to a safe and comfortable experience.

Hotel Security Services That Represent Your Business Well

Citisecure offers holistic hotel security, event, and mobile patrolling services. Our experience and commitment to client satisfaction make us uniquely qualified to provide security in high-touch industries.

Our uniformed and plain-clothed guards are both trained to pay more attention to detail while conducting all their duties professionally and greeting everyone in a friendly manner.

Hire our hotel security services to enjoy professional protection along with a welcoming touch, which can make all the difference. Our security experts understand the particulars of the hospitality industry and provide customized approaches to avert anything that poses a risk to your guests, property, or staff.

We provide risk assessment and customized security solutions for Burnaby, Richmond, Vancouver, Surrey, and many other areas across British Columbia.